Suzanne Malone

Tell us your origin story!
After lots of tropical vacations and snorkeling across the globe, it occurred to me I wanted more. I wanted to be down there near the coral and marine life and not constantly have to come up for another breath of air. So, in 2001 I became a certified diver through Underwater Phantaseas South, now known as One World Dive and Travel. The adventure started the minute I got in the pool and took my first breath underwater!
What caused you to make the leap from amateur to dive professional?
After becoming certified as an Open Water Diver and taking a few dive trips, I realized I wanted to grow my skills and learn more. I just kept taking the continuing education dive classes. The next thing I knew, I was signing up to become a Divemaster and entering the first stage of PADI professionals. In 2006 I became an Open Water Scuba Instructor and Master Scuba Diver Trainer. All of this education and training was completed through One World Dive and Travel. Their professional instructors were excellent mentors.
Favorite class to teach?
These days you'll find me teaching Scuba Refreshers or Divemaster classes. Scuba Refreshers are a fun way to connect with divers and share dive stories, refresh skills and get people even more excited about their dive destination. Divemaster classes give me the opportunity to meet divers entering the professional level and help them hone their dive skills and leadership qualities in preparation for being in front of a group of students.
Favorite dive destination?
Easy! Anywhere in Indonesia!
What is your most beloved critter to spot under the waves? that's not a single answer! Depends on where I'm at...Galapagos it was whale sharks, Palau and Indo...Manta. Love the big stuff!
What is your “must have” piece of dive equipment?
My wet socks that I wear with my full foot fins. They make it effortless to pull on my fins for each dive, most especially after I've been on a week long dive trip where my skin is getting soft.
Favorite non-diving activity?
Hiking in Colorado mountains...Summer is awesome here!
Favorite post-dive treat or beverage?
In between dives, it's definitely a Coke. Ahh! So refreshing and I never have them any other time so a real treat. At the end of the day after all the dives are done, you'll find me sampling the local craft beer.
Any advice you’d like to offer divers new and old?
Don't stop learning! Whether you just want to fine tune your buoyancy which helps protect our reefs or learn Nitrox to extend your bottom time, keep learning. Who knows where each class may lead in your scuba journey.