Mark Tepsic

Tell us your origin story!
While planning a trip to Kauai back in 2001 I was looking for a new activity to try while on the island, and decided to get my Open Water certification. As soon as I took the first breath underwater in the pool, I knew I would want to do this activity for the rest of my life
What caused you to make the leap from amateur to dive professional?
After going through several core certifications as well as several specialities, I decided that I wanted to help others learn how to safely enjoy this amazing sport as well! I really enjoyed the Divemaster program and it was a natural progression to become an Open Water Scuba Instructor in 2022. I added some specialty certifications in Nitrox, Wreck Diving, Dry Suit Diving, and others, and became a Master Scuba Diver Trainer later in 2022.
Favorite class to teach?
Favorite dive destination?
What is your most beloved critter to spot under the waves?
Manta Ray
What is your “must have” piece of dive equipment?
My SUUNTO Eon Core Dive Computer!
Favorite non-diving activity?
Concert Photography
Favorite post-dive treat or beverage?
Ceviche and a cold beer (after my last dive of the day, of course) :-)
Any advice you’d like to offer divers new and old?
Keep learning! The more you learn, the more you appreciate the sport and the underwater environment we observe. Certifications will further advance your skills which make you and others more proficient and safer divers, while learning about conservation, fish identification, and reef classification will make the whole experience even more fascinating and enjoyable.