Finn & Darwin

What's your name?
Hi guys, I’m Finn, the old Yellow Lab around here. And no, I’m not learning any new tricks. You guys are so predictable.
Favorite Treat?
This nice lady, Leslie, always brings me horse cookies. Not sure what a horse is, but they definitely have the best cookies. But I’m a lab, so really any cookie is a good cookie.
What's your day like?
My day always starts with a trip to the park. It’s the best, mostly because I am an expert fetcher. Then it’s brekkie time, and most days we head in to work. When I’m there alone – HEAVEN! It’s quiet, I get my morning cookie, then I’ll wander between all my favorite napping locations. It’s usually pretty busy at the shop with people coming to see me. The best one’s bring me treats, like Mark, the guy with all the boxes, but I sometimes get up for others. Other days that annoying punk Darwin is there, always bugging me, thinking we’re friends. More like acquaintances.
Best place to nap?
Oh, that’s easy. The sun shines through just above the stairs at about 3:30pm (yes, I can tell time. But clearly my people can’t, because they never leave here when we’re supposed to). It’s so warm and cozy!
Don't your people travel all the time?
Yes, if you can believe it, they leave me. I don’t get that one. But at least they send me to great places, like Camp Criner, where the wonderful Marla takes the best care of me, or to Macy, who let’s me cuddle on the couch with her.
What's your name?
I’m Darwin. Darwin’s my name. You can call me Darwin. Squirrel!!!
Favorite Treat?
Treat? Did you say treat? I love treats! All the treats! I get a little excited, but I can sit, and lay down, and stay, and sit, and lots of things. I’ll love you forever. Wait, what were we talking about?
What's your day like?
Well, usually, if my bestest friend in the whole world, Finn, is at the store, I just run up and love him and kiss him and play with him. Then all the people in the store sing out my name in unison like it’s a rock concert! Then it’s treat time, nap time, uh, then, uh, I kinda don’t remember. Did someone say treats?
Best place to nap?
Ooh, I do love to nap. Mostly ‘cuz I run and run and run in the morning, and then, I don’t know, I just fall down and start dreaming. But my favorite is by the pretty lady in the back, Marla. She’s always nice and shares her carrots with me.
Don't your people travel all the time?
Wait, their gone? When? No one told me? MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!