Debbie Nightingale

Tell us your origin story!
In July of 1986, I was dared by a subordinate lieutenant at Fort Carson to learn to scuba dive. Not wanting to look like I was afraid of a challenge, I signed up for the class. And I fell in love with diving within 5 minutes of my first night in the swimming pool. The weightlessness combined with the deep breathing was pure relaxation. I was hooked.
What caused you to make the leap from amateur to dive professional?
Time and money were the only things that slowed me down in my quest to learn more and dive more. The decision to become a Divemaster was an easy one because it would allow me to share my love of diving by assisting others learning to dive. In April 1988 I became a Divemaster, just prior to moving to the San Francisco Bay area.
Favorite class to teach?
I enjoy teaching all the different classes. But I most enjoy helping others overcome a fear or a challenge they are experiencing in learning new dive skills.
Favorite dive destination?
Although the water is cold, I love diving through kelp forests in Monterey Bay, particularly the Cove at Point Lobos.
What is your most beloved critter to spot under the waves?
My favorite critter is sea otters. They are fun to watch above and below the surface.
What is your “must have” piece of dive equipment?
Having learned to dive before bottom timers were invented, let alone dive computers, I love any dive computer with an integrated compass.
Favorite non-diving activity?
If I can’t be diving, then I want to be downhill skiing.
Favorite post-dive treat or beverage?
If I am done diving for the day, an ice cold wheat or amber beer tastes amazing.
Any advice you’d like to offer divers new and old?
Start planning the next trip or next dive while you are still on the current trip or at the current dive site. Otherwise time slips away and you can be years down the road without making time to blow bubbles.